Chandigarh Police successfully organised “Digital Sabhas” at various locations of all the Police Stations, involving Beat officials too. Cyber Interns presented an informative talk on Cyber Hygiene to Senior Citizens, RWAs and MWAs under Cyber Swachhta Mission. >>>
As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, the "Cyber Apradh Azadi" rally was flagged off by Smt Sarbjit Kaur, Mayor & Sh Dharampal, Adviser to the Administrator at Sukhna Lake. >>>
Chandigarh Police organised the third Meeting of the Joint Cyber Crime Coordination Team at Hotel Mountview. The conference was chaired by Shri Banwarilal Lal Purohit, Gov. of Punjab & Administrator CHD. >>>
To commemorate 75 years of independence Chandigarh Cyber Cell organized a Cyber Awareness Program at Sukhna Lake and Dhanas Colony. >>>
Chandigarh Police Cyber Interns celebrated Cyber Jagrukta Diwas at MCM DAV to raise awareness about cyber security and educated youth about CYBER YUVA CLUB and be a part of the Cyber Swachhta Mission.>>>
Chandigarh Police conducted Cyber Talk Session for Cyber Interns by Cyber Expert Mr Rakshit Tandon at Police Headquarter, Sec - 9, Chandigarh. >>>
Cyber Swachhta Mission organised an interactive awareness session on Cyber Crime at PGGC Sec-11, Chd. The interns shared their valuable experience of the internship and encouraged students to join this noble initiative. >>>
Chandigarh Police with Cyber Interns hosted an interactive session on Cyber Crime Awareness at Govt College of Comm. & Business Admin Sec - 50 >>>